Wear your heart on your sleeve for Maine’s kids.


This Valentine’s Day, let’s show our friends and neighbors why No on 1 matters so much.

It’s easy:

  1. Print out the No on 1 Valentine’s Day flyer, or get creative! Make your own sign, or pose with a heart, your valentine, your kids, your favorite doctor or nurse, or find the word NO in the wild.

  2. Take a selfie and post it on your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account with the hashtag #protectmaineschildren. Don’t forget to tag us!

  3. Write about why you’re voting No on 1, and encourage friends to join you. Here’s some text you can use:

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today I’m wearing my heart on my sleeve for Maine’s kids and voting NO on Question 1.

Voting No on 1 protects Maine’s children from dangerous diseases. I hope you’ll stand with me, thousands of Maine families, and every major medical organization in the state and say NO on 1.

I’ve donated to the No on 1 campaign and encourage you to join me—learn more, request an absentee ballot, and share the love: www.protectmaineschildren.com.